
Get your facts straight

There is a lot of incorrect information out there when it comes to sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
. Let’s get the facts straight...

Do females ever do this stuff?

Did you know?

Women have been convicted of sexual violation in NZ for doing sexual stuff with guys under the age of 16.

YES, but mostly sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
is done by males. (Anderson, J., martin, J., Mullen, P., Romans, S., & Herbison, P. (1993). Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Abuse Experiences in a Community Sample of Women. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(5), 911-919).

It is important to remember that it doesn’t matter who is doing disrespectful stuff to someone else, it is never ok, no matter if they are male or female.

On this page:The Facts

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The Facts

Sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
happens to males too… Around 1 in 8 males are likely to experience sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
in their lifetime. That’s huge! (Fergusson, D. & Mullen, P. (1999) Childhood sexual abuse: An evidence based perspective. Sage: London).

It’s often tough for guys to talk about it. They might be scared of being called gay or weak, but having sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
happen to you doesn’t make you either of these things (and being gay is sweet as).

FACT: Most sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
crimes are committed by people who are known… in 90% of cases, the survivor and the offender know each other. Only 10% of sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
is done by strangers.

FACT: If a male is sexually abused by another male it will not ‘turn’ him gay.

Did you know?

Using “gay” when talking about something that you think is bad/crap is not cool!

If a person is sexually abused by someone of the same sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
it will not ‘turn’ them gay. No one can make or turn someone gay. If someone is attracted to the same sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
, that’s just how they are and that’s all good. It’s not a choice and people aren’t attracted to the same sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
because of bad things that have happened to them.

FACT:People can feel sexual pleasure during experiences of sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
…they might get an erection or even have an orgasm. This is simply because that’s how bodies react physically when they’re touched in certain places in certain ways. But it does not mean a person consentedConsented
Is a free agreement between everyone involved in sexual stuff. A free agreement can not happen when someone is verbally, physically or emotionally forced or threatened, tricked, if someone is too wasted on drugs or alcohol or if they are under the age of 16. A free agreement means that everyone was keen on everything that was happening and they all knew what was going on.
to sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
or “liked it”. Having sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
with someone without consentConsent
Is a free agreement between everyone involved in any sexual experience. A free agreement can not happen when someone is verbally, physically or emotionally forced or threatened, tricked, if someone is too wasted on drugs or alcohol or if they are under the age of 16. A free agreement means that everyone was keen on everything that was happening and they all knew what was going on.
is never OK and is against the law.

No one who has had sexual stuff done to them they didn’t consentConsent
Is a free agreement between everyone involved in any sexual experience. A free agreement can not happen when someone is verbally, physically or emotionally forced or threatened, tricked, if someone is too wasted on drugs or alcohol or if they are under the age of 16. A free agreement means that everyone was keen on everything that was happening and they all knew what was going on.
to is ever to blame for their experiences of sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.

It doesn’t matter how a person was dressed, how much alcohol they’d drunk, or drugs they’d taken. Whatever - the survivor of sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
is never to blame. The person doing the sexually harmful stuff is the one whose behaviour is out of line and illegal.

has many cultures, and every culture has different attitudes towards sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
. When it comes to sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
however, it’s pretty clear: Sexual violenceSexual Violence
Is a general term that covers any sexual stuff a person does not consent to.
takes away people’s Human Rights and is unacceptable, no matter what culture we come from.

FACT: When people are sexually harming others they are violating a basic human right.

FACT:There are no situations where a person should just expect that sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
will happen.

There is no excuse!

Some excuses that people may use for disrespecting others are…

“We’re in a relationship, we’ve had sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
before, so I don’t need to check they want it anymore.”

“I’ve scored booze for them, they’ve been flirting with me all night, so sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
is going to happen.”

“I know they’ve had sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.
with heaps of other people, so I expect we’ll have sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.

“They’ve come up to a bedroom with me - what else does it mean? Of course we’re going to have sexSex
Is different things people choose to do to actively express sexuality and sexual feelings; often this involves genitals, but not always. Other words used in place of “sex” could be “sexual activity”, “sexual experiences”, or just “sexual” – they all mean the same thing. Sex can involve one person (i.e. masturbation) or more. When we talk about sex, we are not just talking about a man putting his penis into a woman’s vagina – there are heaps of ways people can have sex.
For sex to be fun, legal, respectful and pleasurable there must always be CONSENT.

These beliefs can be really harmful and stop people from being respectful and making sure people are sweet as with whatever is going down. No matter the situation you always have the right to stop doing sexual stuff at any time, even in the middle of doing it!

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Come on in to the Sex’N’Respect website!

Just a heads up, this website has some stuff about sexual violence which might be upsetting,
especially if you or someone close to you has experienced it.

If you find yourself getting upset, make sure you get support or take a few deep breaths
and think about something that makes you smile.

Some of the topics in here may also conflict with your beliefs.
We think that if a person is harming someone, or their human rights
IT IS NOT OK - no matter what your beliefs are.

Sweet As